The professional skills of those processing reports are essential for the protection of whistleblowers and for tackling abuses. The lawful processing of reports will fulfil the objectives of the Act and create better opportunities for detecting abuses.

Competence of those processing reports: The person or persons responsible for processing the reports shall carry out their duties impartially and independently. The persons responsible for processing shall also have sufficient expertise for the task. This will ensure the appropriate handling and follow-up of reports.

Process: As part of the processing of reports, it must be ensured that the identities of the persons mentioned in the report are protected. In addition, the accuracy of the report will be investigated and the necessary follow-up measures will be taken. As a result, trust in the reporting channel system will grow, which will contribute to lowering the threshold for reporting.

Data analysis: The information contained in the reports can be of versatile benefit to the organisation. Even brief reports can be a signal of a wider phenomenon or irregularity. The competent and objective analysis of information will contribute to the planning and implementation of effective and appropriate follow-up measures.

You can find more information about the legislation on the website

Hyödyllistä tietoa muualta: 
Check out the legislative drafting material here (in Finnish)  

Read more about the law on Finlex's website (in Finnish)