Strengthening the Fight against Corruption project
Strengthening the Fight against Corruption project, co-funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund (ISF).
The project will help intensify the fight against corruption in Finland by strengthening knowledge-based anti-corruption efforts, raising public awareness of corruption as a phenomenon and of anti-corruption measures, enhancing capacity and cooperation among public authorities, and enabling long-term monitoring of Finland’s corruption situation.
Goals and results
The project aims to produce a situational picture of corruption in Finland to serve as training material, as a tool for monitoring the corruption situation and as a basis for planning anti-corruption measures. It will also develop an online eOppiva training course on corruption for public officials. The general objective is to increase knowledge and awareness of corruption and of how to prevent and fight corruption, as well as to strengthen anti-corruption efforts carried out by public authorities.
A key project output will be a regularly updated situational picture of corruption to monitor any possible changes in the situation in the long term.
Starting points
In its Government Programme, the Finnish Government commits to promoting the rule of law and the fight against corruption within the EU. International recommendations have noted that anti-corruption structures and awareness of corruption need to be strengthened in Finland. In its recommendations, the OECD Working Group on Bribery (WGB) has encouraged increasing awareness and training across the criminal process.
See more information about the project.
Contact information
Heidi Lind, Project Manager
Ministry of Justice, Department for Criminal Policy and Criminal Law, Criminal Law Telephone:0295150354 Email Address: [email protected]
Emilia Asikainen, Communications Specialist
Ministry of Justice, Management Support and Core Services, Media and Communications Telephone:0295150331 Email Address: [email protected]