Test how effectively corruption is prevented in your workplace
It is time for some self-assessment. How do the actions of your organisation affect the occurrence of corruption in Finland?
Whether you work in the private, public or third sector, this test will give you
- a rough estimate of how effectively your organisation combats corruption
- an idea of how your workplace should develop its activities.
The test has 15 questions. Please answer each one as honestly and accurately as possible.
If you are unsure about something, check whether the information is easily available, for example on your organisation’s intranet. Where necessary, you may answer 'I don't know'.
The purpose of this test is to make you aware of the situation in your workplace and stimulate discussion. Your answers will not be saved.
Corruption has serious consequences both for individuals and for society. It slows down economic development, distorts the use of tax revenues, increases inequality and environmental damage, and undermines democracy.
You answered 'no' or 'I don't know' several times, which indicates that anti-corruption matters are probably not considered particularly important in your organisation. Anti-corruption guidelines have either not been drawn up in the first place or have not been put into practice so that all employees would be aware of them.
With this in mind, what changes could your organisation introduce so your answer to all the questions above would be ‘yes’ in the future? The change has to start with the senior management. If you are not in a managerial position yourself, bring up the matter with your supervisor immediately. You can, for example, refer to these test results or suggest that your superior take the test himself or herself.
Keep in mind that everyone’s contribution counts when the goal is to create a corruption-free organisation. No matter what your position is, you can still impact the general atmosphere at your workplace by setting a good example.
You can also check out our tips for everyday work.
Corruption has serious consequences both for individuals and for society. It slows down economic development, distorts the use of tax revenues, increases inequality and environmental damage, and undermines democracy.
You answered ‘no’ or ‘I don’t know’ several times, which indicates that anti-corruption matters are probably not considered particularly important in your organisation. Anti-corruption guidelines have either not been drawn up in the first place or they have not been put into practice so that all employees would be aware of them.
With this in mind, what changes could your organisation introduce so your answer to all the questions above would be ‘yes’ in the future? The change has to start with the senior management. If you are not in a managerial position yourself, bring up the matter with your supervisor immediately. You can, for example, refer to these test results or suggest that your superior take the test himself or herself.
Keep in mind that everyone’s contribution counts when the goal is to create a corruption-free organisation. No matter what your position is, you can still impact the general atmosphere at your workplace by setting a good example.
You can also check out our tips for everyday work.
Your organisation already has some anti-corruption guidelines and practices in place. They do not, however, cover all activities – or at least they have not been put into practice so that all employees would be aware of them.
Have another look at the questions you answered with ‘no’ or ‘I don't know’. What changes could your organisation introduce so your answer to those questions would also be ‘yes’ in the future?
The change has to start with the senior management. If you are not in a managerial position yourself, bring up the matter with your supervisor immediately. You can, for example, refer to these test results or suggest that your superior take the test himself or herself.
Keep in mind that everyone’s contribution counts when the goal is to create a corruption-free organisation. No matter what your position is, you can still impact the general atmosphere at your workplace by setting a good example.
You can also check out our tips for everyday work.
Have another look at the question you answered with ‘no’ or ‘I don't know’. What changes could your organisation introduce to make sure that the answer to this question would also be ‘yes’ in the future?
The change has to start with the senior management. If you are not in a managerial position yourself, bring up the matter with your supervisor immediately. You can, for example, refer to these test results or suggest that your superior take the test himself or herself.
Keep in mind that everyone’s contribution counts when the goal is to create a corruption-free organisation. No matter what your position is, you can still impact the general atmosphere at your workplace by setting a good example.
You can also check out our tips for everyday work.
Please note that these test results are only indicative. Your organisation should still continue to make sure its activities are ethical and transparent.
Keep in mind that everyone’s contribution counts when the goal is to create a corruption-free organisation. No matter what your position is, you can still impact the general atmosphere at your workplace – for better or for worse – by setting an example.
See some tips for everyday work, just in case. Spread the word – share them with your superior and colleagues, too.
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